Unique Beautiful Fun
13 February 2015 by Sarah-Jane Smith
sjsmith.com.au - blog
Love is in the air
Valentines Day
I hope you've all remembered that February 14 is Valentines Day. I know traditionally its a time for lovers (which is great) but I think we need to expand our celebration. Let's forget about the red roses for a moment (with all due respect to the florists out there) and instead make a point of telling someone in our life how much we love them. Maybe it is your darling, or your mum, your Facebook group, or your dog or cat, or better yet, yourself. Stop worrying about the rank commercialisation of our holidays and instead focus on spreading a little love. There's no such thing as too much love!
Talking of love - are you still as fired up as you were in the New Year? Still feeling the love and passion now that it's mid-February (I know - scary right?). I have to admit that some of that initial momentum has slackened but I am still feeling excited and enthusiastic.
I do have to remind myself that it's a marathon not a sprint and sometimes getting stuff done is just a matter of doing the next thing on the list, then the next, then the next ..... I'm calling it stick-at-it-ness. Memo to self, the key to getting things done is to do at least a little everyday. I hope you're all getting some of the things done that you were dreaming of at New Year. In reference to Valentines Day, thank you so much for tuning in. With love, till next time,
Sarah-Jane X