Unique Beautiful Fun
6 February 2015 by Sarah-Jane Smith
sjsmith.com.au - blog
Australia Day
Living in the Lucky Country
It's not that long since Australia Day and I love a nice Monday off as much as the next person. But I always think back on Australia Day because it's the anniversary of my citizenship ceremony. It was a lovely day in Roma Street Parkland, the sun was shining, the Premier (Peter Beattie at the time) was there and there was a lovely light tea laid on with cakes and sandwiches. I looked around and there were people of every race and colour all there for the same thing. To belong. It was much more emotional than I had thought it would be. I still have my certificate tucked safely away. And thinking about all this on Australia Day it reminds me how lucky I am. How lucky we all are. We have a pretty good health care system which, for the most part, is free, we have reasonable clean air and drinking water in most populated parts of the country. We have a social service to help take care of those people who need a hand and we have enormous freedom. Freedom to say what we want, to write what we want and largely to be what we want. It's not perfect by any stretch but it's more than millions of others have! So if you're having a bad day, take a moment and think about the good fortune that you have and maybe the not-so-good fortune of millions of others.
I'm completely thrilled by all of your encouragement over the new site and blog. Don't forget to join me on Facebook, Pinterest and Linkedin (links at the top of the page), to keep up to date with the creative side. Till next time,
Sarah-Jane X