Unique Beautiful Fun
20 February 2015 by Sarah-Jane Smith
sjsmith.com.au - blog
Happy New Year - Again!
Chinese New Year
I grew up in Hong Kong and Chinese New Year was always a really fun time of year (not least because it was a four day public holiday). Lots of the local population would head to mainland China to visit relatives so the teeming streets would be quieter than normal and it was the only time of year when some of the shops closed. There's also a tradition at Chinese New Year of giving Lycee - or Good Luck money (mainly to single people). So if you were single it was a financial boon not too long after Christmas! The other joy about this time of year was because things in general quieted down, you had time to spend with friends and family. There were always dinners and parties going on. It was a bit like a repeat of Christmas but without the frantic gift buying, over the top decorating and, without a lot of the pressure. Really, a bit like the ideal type of Christmas!
As we move into the year of the goat (or sheep or ram - there's no firm consensus on which animal it really is!) I'm going to treat it a little like another new year. So if your start to the year hasn't been all you hoped for or, if you've decided you need to take a different path, consider this your do-over. Have a little refresh and set a new course. It's never to late to change your mind or your mindset! I wish all of you health, happiness and prosperity from this point forward. Kung Hei Fat Choi (Happy New Year). Till next time,
Sarah-Jane X