Unique Beautiful Fun
27 February 2015 by Sarah-Jane Smith
sjsmith.com.au - blog
Learning new stuff
New Tricks for Old Dogs
It's already been a big year for me with the launch of the new website and the fledgling blog but I really want this year to be one of learning. I was a little scared about this as I got my interior qualification long after leaving school and wasn't sure how I'd take to learning new stuff. I found it quite hard to get into the swing of regular study last time. What I'm loving is online courses. You can go at your own pace, take the bits that resonate with you and you often get a support community thrown in for free. The other big bonus is there's no exams. I've lately signed up for Leonie Dawson's "Double your Biz" course as well as Kelly Rae Roberts, "Flying Lessons". I'd recommend both but for different reasons. Leonie' s course teaches you what you need for a successful online business. It's a little technical at times but there's always help available when you ask for it. You also get access to lots of other great stuff in the academy like meditations, shorter courses, discounts for other products like her yearly planner and workbook. There is also a really supportive community with a huge range of businesses and experience. Kelly Raes course is about having a successful creative business geared mainly at artists and the community there is great for critiquing your work and cheering you on.
I was a late entry to facebook and still consider myself a newbie as far as understanding all of the functions and features, but I am there! Likewise with Pinterest. I joined Instagram recently and I'm slowly finding my way about. I'm listed under "sjsmithartist" if you'd like to check it out. (Having trouble getting a link as this goes to air - sorry!). What all this has shown me is that there are avenues for however you want to learn. You just have to be willing to give it a go. So go on....
Till next time,
Sarah-Jane X