Unique Beautiful Fun
6 March 2015 by Sarah-Jane Smith
sjsmith.com.au - blog
Speeding up not slowing down
One thing I know for sure is that time won't slow just because you need it to. It's already March, (two months past already - whew) and autumn is on its way. Autumn (or Fall as our American friends call it) is traditionally a time where things die down, plants die off, everything is about preparing for the sparse winter with its short days. The heady days of summer are fading, nights are getting longer and temperatures start to fall. I love it! Living in Queensland, you have to make adjustments for the heat and humidity of summer. You get up earlier to get things done before you are felled by the hot, wet air that starts to build after about 10.00 in the morning. It's a bit like living on Spanish time. Start early, slow down during the hottest part of the day and, restart when it's cooler. It's not entirely unpleasant but it can make for long days. Once autumn starts to emerge you can lie in, be productive throughout the day and, call it a day in the late afternoon or early evening. There's hopefully still a little light left. I find its a more productive schedule for me and the cooler temperatures lend themselves to more outdoor activity for more of the day.
I'm also excited by the first issue of our quarterly Newsletter. If you'd like to be on the mailing list for this you can join up here. The Newsletter is more about what new art and products are now available, what's coming up in the near future as well as fun and cool stuff I may have come across recently. Being on the mail list also gives you advance notice of any upcoming sales (Spoiler alert - there's one very soon!). I hope you're getting busy, whatever the season is where you are!
Till next time,
Sarah-Jane X