Unique Beautiful Fun
10 April 2015 by Sarah-Jane Smith
sjsmith.com.au - blog
When You Lose Your Mojo
Creative Breaks
There are times when you wake up and feel totally in a rut. Doing the things that once made your heart sing instead makes your heart sink. We've all had these days. Sometimes it's temporary and sometimes it's longer lasting. So what do you do?
The first thing that I find can help is to have a total change of tack. If it's painting that I'm dreading, I'll take the day off and instead spend it writing. If work itself is the problem, I'll try some time in the kitchen or the garden. I think that's one of the reasons I'm reluctant to limit myself to one medium for creativity because I fear that if I lose my mojo and I don't have a back up, then I'll be stuck. Having painting and crocheting give me different things. The painting makes me feel free and when I'm in the zone and things are going well, time has little meaning. I can get the same feeling when I finish a piece of crochet or master a new pattern. Crochet engages a different part of my brain because I need to be much more focused and less intuitive than I do with painting.
Taking time away from whatever is causing the angst seems to automatically renew my interest. Maybe it's being told you can't do something. That's immediately the thing you want to do! If I spend too much time away I start to get itchy feet (or hands as the case may be). If a crochet project is taking a long time to finish I'm usually chomping at the bit to get back to my brushes and likewise if I'm struggling with a painting I'm usually looking for my next ball of yarn. Whatever your creative outlet is, if the blahs hit you, try a little break. It may be just what you need to renew your passion.
Till next time,
Sarah-Jane X