Unique Beautiful Fun
3 April 2015 by Sarah-Jane Smith
sjsmith.com.au - blog
Renewal - We All Need It
An Easter Message
I have vague memories of Easter from my childhood lasting the four basic days of Good Friday, Easter Saturday, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday. With hot cross buns and Easter eggs filling the shelves not long after Christmas, these days I think it's easy to be over it before it's really happened. I know that Easter is meant to be a religious celebration in the Christian calendar but just because you're not religious doesn't mean there's not a lot to celebrate. Four full days off, just for starters. To me Easter isn't so much about Christianity but about renewal. We are usually well into the year (usually late March or early April) when it swings around and it can be easy to already be getting in a rut. Four whole days is a great time to relax, reboot and renew.
I recently had one of those big birthdays (fifty to those that didn't know) and was fortunate enough to have a bit of time off with family and friends. Like a lot of self employed people I think it's often hard to switch off, especially when you work from home.
Getting away was such a joy. Seeing a different view each morning, talking to people you may not interact with all the time and seeing different shops, sights and vistas.
It was so energising. Even arty types can become immune to what's staring them in the face if they see it every day. Getting away from your normal routine and scenery (even if it's just to take a day trip to a beach or a museum) can really give you a boost. Not just to your creativity but also to your energy. The other great thing about taking some time out to renew yourself is that you are that much more grateful for what's at home. I hope you all get some time at Easter to renew.
Till next time,
Sarah-Jane X