Unique Beautiful Fun
16 April 2015 by Sarah-Jane Smith
sjsmith.com.au - blog
Finding The Sparks
My Inspirations
One of the questions I get asked a lot is, "Where you do you find your inspiration?" Like most creative people it comes from all sorts of sources. Going for a walk on a sunny day and seeing a fabulous bloom in someone's garden makes me want to run home and paint. Walking on a cloudy day and seeing a bright splash of colour against the grey clouds can do the same thing. But there's also a lot of inspiration before I ever leave home. The early morning light streaming across the back patio, the shadows the late afternoon sun throws through the palms, the smell of the jasmine and murraya as the sun goes down, the last burst of brilliant colour as the sun sets.
Aside from the majesty of nature, I can also find huge inspiration from other artists. The fabulous, thick expressive work of Ben Quilty and Elly Smallwood. The beautiful, botanic mosaics of Instagram's, Flora Forager. What people can visualise and create blows my mind - daily.
If you're searching for your own inspiration find people in your field who you are wowed by and follow them (not in a stalker type way of course!). Breathe deep when you smell something wonderful. Savour it and remember how it made you feel. If all else fails get outside. Take your shoes off and walk on the grass, paddle in the sea, feel the wind on your face or the sun on your shoulders. It's hard not to be inspired if you want to be!
Till next time,
Sarah-Jane X