Unique Beautiful Fun
01 April 2016 by Sarah-Jane Smith
sjsmith.com.au - blog
Laugh it off
April Fool's Day
Can you believe that we're already a quarter of the way through this year? I hope you've managed to make some progress with your hopes and dreams for the year. If you haven't, there's no reason to panic and there's certainly no reason to be depressed. The great news is that we still have over three quarters of the year to go!
I recently went to a business networking event and was struck by the number of very serious business people I met. Now I'm not saying that you should treat your business or your livelihood like a joke but for goodness sake - lighten up. I believe life is meant to be fun (at least some of the time). If you're operating in an environment of doom and gloom that will inevitably be reflected in your business.
So how do you bring some light and levity to your business. First off, think about your work space. Does it motivate and inspire you? If not, why not? Can you change it? Maybe you could work mobile and take your work outside. I'm currently writing blogs in bed with the dog sleeping next to me. Head off to a local cafe and do an hour or two of work with cake and coffee.
Maybe you need some input from other people and to get out of your own head. Meet someone for lunch, join a local business group or chamber of commerce, find online groups that can offer support. Not everything you do is going to go well and you have to be able to roll with the punches.
The real key to enjoying life is to enjoy what you are engaged in. Actively think of ways to make your days more fun. Make every Monday a bad joke day or if you work with others maybe Friday is share lunch day. As we head towards April Fools Day I hope you're all enjoying your businesses and, if you're not, then the jokes on you!
Till next time,
Sarah-Jane X