Unique Beautiful Fun
08 April 2016 by Sarah-Jane Smith
sjsmith.com.au - blog
It's Not Easy Being Green
The Greatness of Others
It can be really intimidating sometimes when you meet someone in your field that seems much more successful than you. It's hard not to make comparisons and find yourself coming up short. Even if the person involved is lovely, it can be difficult not to have a pang of envy but, you really shouldn't. Nobody, and I mean nobody, starts out successful! Everybody has to tread their own path and make their own mistakes. Instead of feeling the tug of the green-eyed monster you should try and take the time to get to know the person and asks them if they've got any valuable lessons they could share with you.
It's not always possible to meet your idol in person but everybody in business these days has some level of social media contact either through their company website, blog, Facebook page or other social media. Check out your competition. Not to copy them but to learn from them. Is their website really engaging? Do they have a really strong brand identity? Is there tone friendly and personal or more business like. Analyse the things they do really well and see if you can't incorporate those strategies into your own business.

It's also worth following some of your industries success stories to see how they engage and interact with their followers and customers. Engage with them yourself. Comment and ask
questions when it's appropriate. Most people who have great businesses also have a great attitude about newcomers to their industry. They know that new blood keeps their industry vital and vibrant. There's really no need for jealousy amongst your competition. In fact you could find some great allies there. And when you make it to the heady heights of success don't forget to give a leg up to the newbies who are looking at you with a touch of green!
Till next time,
Sarah-Jane X