Unique Beautiful Fun
25 March 2016 by Sarah-Jane Smith
sjsmith.com.au - blog
Thank God It's Friday
Good Friday
It's almost Easter and for anyone not of the Christian faith that may mean only a few extra public holidays and hot cross buns in the shops. And that's completely fine! We don't all have to think the same or even have the same beliefs to find joy in some of the same things. We don't even have to find in the joy same way. I have a friend who adores her job and the challenges it brings and can't wait to get there every morning. I have another friend who doesn't have quite the same degree of love but can't wait to get to work for the tranquility and quiet of her own small cubicle (she has a young family). They each find joy in their own way and for different reasons.
The same is true for anyone with their own business. All of us find joy in different ways. My favourite part of my business is the creative side. Getting an idea, making things, bringing an idea to life. For others maybe it's your interaction with your customers, the ability to set your own work schedule or how it can be fitted around your family. There's no right or wrong.
Whatever type of business you have it is important that you find the aspects of it that do bring joy and, whenever possible, do more of that. It's keeping that spark alive that will allow your business to grow and flourish and you along with it.
It's worth taking the time to think about what you love about your business. Do that this week. In the meantime, Happy Easter and I hope you enjoy your Friday off everyone.
Till next time,
Sarah-Jane X