Unique Beautiful Fun
21 October 2016 by Sarah-Jane Smith
sjsmith.com.au - blog
It's Not Too Late
A Strong Finish
There’s a tendency at this time of year to take your foot off the pedal and cruise to the end of the year. How do I know this? Because I’m guilty of it. I was self talking to myself this morning about this very subject and finding every excuse about why its too late in the year to get things done! “ I’m not well, I’m too tired, it’s too late.” But let’s be honest, there are still well over two months left the year. In fact there’s over two months till Christmas to get on with something, anything.
I have a tendency (as I think most of us do) to tell myself what I need to hear to support what I want. If I don't feel like putting my nose to the grindstone for the last two months of the year, I WILL find an excuse. As the greatest predictor of success is a stick-at-it attitude, now is the very time to be laser focusing on what you want to achieve come years end. If you’re feeling a bit burnt out or even a bit knackered try setting yourself a short time line. I will push on for four more weeks or, I will work full pelt for three hours a day for three days a week. You can also try minimising what you want to achieve. Pick one single thing that would give you a sense of satisfaction if you could accomplish it by the end of the year. I will focus on only one more achievable social media goal or, I will get one more repeat customer every four weeks.
Whatever your time frame or whatever goal you decide to set, give some careful thought to what you will do once you've met the goal or deadline. Maybe you just want some time away from your business, maybe you're lucky enough to be able to plan a vacation or maybe, you just would like to be able to spend some time with your loved ones without feeling like you're attention is divided.
Remember, if for whatever reason, you don't manage to reach the goal, take some credit for whatever steps you took to get closer to it. There's always next year.
Till next time,
Sarah-Jane X