Unique Beautiful Fun
14 October 2016 by Sarah-Jane Smith
sjsmith.com.au - blog
Staying afloat
Treading Water
There's a saying that "Comparison is the thief of joy". But in this Information Age it can be very hard not to compare yourself with others. I belong to a few business groups, both online and in real life and it can be easy to be caught up with other people's success. If you believe everything you hear and read, everybody's business is doubling year on year! Wow. Don't get me wrong, there are a number of businesses where I can see that happening and good on them. But here's the thing, I'm not sure I want that kind of relentless growth. I don't think I have the energy or drive to deal with it. I know a lot of self employed people who have clear ideas about what they want from their business and not many of them want to get rich or have the biggest business of its kind. Many of them want to earn the equivalent of a full time position but with flexibility so that they can take the kids to and from school or, surf by day and work at night. Some people want enough income to pay for a family holiday each year. Others want to work part time while being able to do what they love.
If your business is not growing at a rapid rate of knots that's completely fine. Personally, this year, one of my businesses took a downturn and, it's probably been the best thing that could've happened. It's been a time of family crisis and illness and, dealing with that has taken considerable resources. I don't think I could have managed that and been invested in business growth as well. Treading water for the time being is the best thing for me at the moment. I'll bide my time till I can gather my resources for the next surge. If you're having a plateau with your business maybe it's just a chance for you to catch your breath before you gear up for your next big push or, maybe you've reached a point where you're happy in the status quo. Remember, even if you're treading water, you're still afloat!
Till next time,
Sarah-Jane X