Unique Beautiful Fun
28 October 2016 by Sarah-Jane Smith
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The Secret to a Happy Christmas
I used to be one of those people who took Christmas way too seriously. Everything had to be right. The decorations had to be coordinated with the gift wrapping of the the presents under the tree. If Christmas was at our house, the table had to be dazzling (and different every year), the food had to be making the table groan (and later the guests), there had to be every drink imaginable on offer as well as a big selection of deserts. No more. I have managed to scale back considerably and I have to admit it makes for a much happier time (for me at least).
Last year I didn't even feel the need to offer to host again as I wasn't feeling great. So I decided not to put my hand up. A remarkable feat for me! And do you know what? Nothing happened. The world did not tilt off its axis, there were no awful recriminations and nobody ended up hating me! I did put up a tree (and yes the decorations did match the gift wrapping) but I didn't feel the need to put all the cards up. Instead I threw them in a big bowl in the middle of the table where I could browse through them.
My other piece of advice to minimise the stress is to start shopping now. Buy a couple of presents, the christmas pudding or even the crackers so that you at lease have made a start. Shop online if you're busy. When you grocery shop over the next month pick up a few non-perishable items each time like tins of sweets or biscuits.
The final trick is to have the Christmas you want. If being around family is stressful, make the celebration for lunch only. If you would rather not give (or receive) presents then don’t. If you don't like turkey then don't have it. Above all, let go of perfection and overkill. For me Christmas is about being thankful for the love in my life. Love from my family, my husband, my friends and even, my dog. When I remember that, having a great Christmas becomes easy.
Till next time,
Sarah-Jane X