Unique Beautiful Fun
30 December 2016 by Sarah-Jane Smith
sjsmith.com.au - blog
What I want next year
Summing Up
I love a new year. All that bright, shiny promise. A blank canvas each and every January. I've always done a bit of a summary at the end of each year about the things I accomplished, the projects I finished, the highlights, plus, a rough plan for the next twelve months of what I'd like to get done and always, always, how many holidays I hope to take. This year I ordered the Amazing Biz and Life planner (this is my third one). I've spent much more time on planning what I want to achieve this year (I've still listed how many holidays).
The biggest thing on my agenda for the year is to amp up education for myself. I'd already dipped my toe in the water but this year I have decided to be much more focused. Where I need more knowledge is primarily around on-line business (like blogging for example), and marketing and networking. I'd also like to spend more time on creating art in different products so that I can increase production, and (hopefully) increase my sales. The wonderful thing is that sooo much of it is doable online. Google search can be such a great place to start for any topic. YouTube has instructional videos on everything from meditation to business basics. There's free podcasts available - both business and inspirational. There's apps for tracking your finances, your fitness and, even, your schedule. You can find new sales outlets, suppliers and even clients online!
I'm also planning a quarterly newsletter (which you can sign up here for) as well as more regular social network posts. The blog is partly about how my business progresses and grows (fingers crossed), projects I'm involved with or working on, and fun and interesting stuff along the way. If I find any juicy bits I'll be sure to share. If you want to follow along, Instagram is where I post most new images, Facebook is where you can find information about new listings for sale, competitions and blog releases but if you'd like to be the first to know join our Mailing List to receive the weekly blog as well as information on new and upcoming releases and events!
I'm really excited about 2017 - I hope you are too!
Till next year,
Sarah-Jane X