Unique Beautiful Fun
23 December 2016 by Sarah-Jane Smith
sjsmith.com.au - blog
What I wish for you this Christmas
Seasons Greetings
Well it's only a few days till C-Day and I hope you're all looking forward to it. I think it's so easy to be caught in the busy-ness at this time of year.
We're all so focused on the presents and the decorations and the food and, sometimes the travel, that we can forget that it is supposed to be a time of celebration. Whether you support the Christian traditions of Christmas or not I think that that's something we can all share in. Celebrate that you have a roof over your head, that hopefully, all of your family are safe, that you have food to eat. Maybe you also have some business achievements to celebrate! Celebrate what your loved ones have achieved this year, the gift of having loyal and supportive friends and, even the love of a faithful pet. If you lost someone dear, celebrate the times you had together. Raise a toast to them. Remember all the joyous occasions you've had throughout the year. If it's been a tough year for you, celebrate the fact that you survived and look forward with hope to a more promising tomorrow.
It's easy to get lost in the commercial disintegration of Christmas but I hope that you can all find some time to see all of the blessings that you have.
I'd like to wish all of you all the joy of a Merry Christmas and to say a big thank you to all of you that have read any of my blogs this year. You are one of the things I have to be thankful for at Christmas!
Till next time,
Sarah-Jane X