Unique Beautiful Fun
06 January 2017 by Sarah-Jane Smith
sjsmith.com.au - blog
Start afresh
New Beginnings
I know sometimes it can be hard to be fired up by the start of a new year. There’s that post holiday slump, the Christmas hangover, not to mention the weight a lot of us have gained (me included!). But that general malaise that we feel is kind of a ripe atmosphere for dreaming your dreams for what’s to come!
Its a great time for laying in the pool or the bath and imagining what new products or services you can come up with for your business. If you live in the Northern Hemisphere those cold walks can be a great time to daydream about what you'd like to be doing when the seasons change. Maybe you're thinking about expanding or shrinking your business to make it work better for you. Are there new ventures you'd like to try or people or businesses that you'd like to collaborate with.
If you're like me, you're also planning when your next break or holiday will be. Where will you go, for how long, and who with.
Whatever you're dreams are, now is the perfect time to map them out and schedule some action into your calendar or diary. Get a manufacturing schedule going for your new product or service. Start budgeting for some staff come mid-year or block out your holiday time for the next twelve months.
Take those dreams and make a plan to make them happen. Forming those lazy dreams may be great but you know what they say - A dream without a deadline is just a wish!
Till next time,
Sarah-Jane X