Unique Beautiful Fun
16 December 2016 by Sarah-Jane Smith
sjsmith.com.au - blog
Yule Rules
Christmas on Your Terms
You know when you're on an aircraft and the safety instructions always tell you to put on your own oxygen before seeing to your children? There's a reason for that! If you don't take care of yourself first, you'll be in no condition to take care of others! At this time of year I think that's a great lesson to remember.
It's hard not to get caught up in all the madness of Christmas. If you're in business it might be your busiest time of year! Add to that, the gift buying, wrapping, the parties, the entertaining, the food shopping, the decorations and it's hard not to become overwhelmed. That why it's critical to remember to take care of yourself. Try to schedule in some time for yourself. Whether that's for exercise, meditation, reading, having a long bath or whatever you need to do to replenish yourself. Christmas is always a marathon and you don't want to wake up on 25 December and feel too knackered to enjoy the day.
The other thing that's important is to have things that you look forward to. If you've got a busy Christmas Day that you're dreading, try and keep Boxing Day for some downtime. Maybe take a trip to the beach or the country. Take cold turkey sandwiches to the park and have a picnic. Whatever it is that you plan, make it something you want to do, not have to do.
If you have to work over Christmas (and many people do) plan an alternative day or part of a day to have a celebration. And remember, if it doesn't all go according to plan - it's just one day of the year.
Till next time,
Sarah-Jane X