Unique Beautiful Fun
06 May 2016 by Sarah-Jane Smith
sjsmith.com.au - blog
Falling Flat
When You"re in a Rut
During the last few weeks I've talked about finding the joy in the everyday and how to feel the love for your business. Maybe I've jinxed myself because since then I've been hit with a big case of the blahs. Normally, I find writing my blog to be pretty easy and straight-forward as well as enjoyable. I pick my topic and off I go. Rambling down the page until I feel like I've said what I want. Then I go back and trim out all the bits that I don't need (there's always lots of that!), I find some images I like, have a final proofread and save the document ready for publishing.
This last week though, I have sat down three times to write and, blah - nothing (insert sound of crickets here). I have over twenty titles ready to go and nothing has sparked. I've started two blogs and barely got a paragraph done before giving up due to lack of inspiration. I'm not sure where this drought has come from. Other areas of my businesses are going well. Social media engagement is slowly climbing, customers are happy, payments are coming in and I'm enjoying work but as for the writing part, I seem to have lost my mojo.
I'm hoping that by writing about it I will break the hoodoo - we shall see next week I guess! If next weeks blog is nothing but pictures you know that the struggle continues! Wish me luck.
In the mean time a very Happy Mothers Day to all the mums on Sunday, especially my own!
Till next time,
Sarah-Jane X