Unique Beautiful Fun
29 April 2016 by Sarah-Jane Smith
sjsmith.com.au - blog
Finding the extraodinary in the ordinary
Everyday Glories
When you're running a business the to-do list is never finished. There's always something else to do. When you're continually focused on what's next it can be easy to forget about taking some appreciation for the everyday things. People always talk about stopping to smell the roses and there's something to be said for being able to do this in business as well as in life in general. If you've had a great conversation with a client take a minute at the end of it to make a note of it in your diary. If you've had a month with no staff absences have a little smile. All clients have paid on time, maybe it's happy dance time! Have you had a great sales month, or secured a new client. Maybe you've ridden out a tough spot and are now getting back on track. There are numerous occasions in every day to find the positives.
By allowing yourself to notice those positive little moments in your work day you'll be surprised at how many of them you start to see. And how much more pleasant your working life is. It's true that we see what we give our attention to. If you're seeing the positive moments in your business that's what will be seen in your business. That positivity can be translated into your business as a whole and makes working with you that much nicer. It makes your workday a whole lot nicer to too!
Till next time,
Sarah-Jane X