Unique Beautiful Fun
23 September 2016 by Sarah-Jane Smith
sjsmith.com.au - blog
Lowering the Bar
Moving the Goalposts
Can you believe there's only three months left of the year? It never fails to amaze me how quickly time passes. I've only just gotten used to typing 2016 instead of 2015! With that being said, are you feeling like me, that you've been largely derailed from what you wanted to achieve this year! Don't panic!
I've had a tough year, with the last three months being particularly challenging. The illness and death of a loved family member, the terminal diagnosis of our beloved dog, my own health problems and shrinking business sales have made this some of the toughest times to deal with. So I made a decision at the beginning of September to take the pressure off myself. I can only do what I can do and, on some days, that's not very much! But even a little in the right direction is better than nothing. Even if all I get done is the essentials, then at least the essentials are being done. I have moved the goal posts hugely in my favour and set the bar really low so that if I achieve even a little it will be cause for celebration. I do still have a few goals I'd like to achieve and if I do I'll be over the moon. But if I don't, I'll just be pleased that I've managed to get through this time and still have next year to get it done! Cutting myself some slack and finding gratitude for the small stuff has not been easy but it has gone a long way to making me feel better. And the better I feel the more likely I am to get stuff done!
Till next time
Sarah-Jane X