Unique Beautiful Fun
30 September 2016 by Sarah-Jane Smith
sjsmith.com.au - blog
Just say thank you
Good Advice
I read a really interesting blog recently about a lady with an invisible illness and the amount of unsolicited advice she has received about treatments, cures and therapies for her condition. Much of this advice has come from complete strangers who know little or nothing of her history. This got me thinking about the amount of advice out there, both asked for and unasked.
Now the internet is a wonderful tool with endless possibilities for finding out information but as they say a little information in the wrong hands can be deadly. Everybody has an opinion or expert advice on anything from how to run your social media, to creating a six figure business, how to cure you of your insecurities to, how to cure your cancer and, none of it is regulated. If you're looking for advice try to do your best to find a credible source. And even if your source seems credible consider what they're basing their information on. If someones recommending drugs or supplements do they have a pharmacological degree or are they a salesperson? Does the pill or potion they offer have good research behind it based on credible and large clinical studies? If someone's offering you business advice what sort of businesses have they run besides offering advice? If offering advice is their sole business how many clients do they have? What's the best outcome they've delivered to a client? How long have they been in business?
Even if you're not looking for any advice chances are you will still be offered it! It seems these days that everyone has an opinion, a remedy or knows what you should do. Try to remember that the majority of people offer advice thinking they are being helpful. Don't get offended or annoyed. Just say thank you and move on. And thats the best advice I've got for you!
Till next time,
Sarah-Jane X