Unique Beautiful Fun
27 January 2017 by Sarah-Jane Smith
sjsmith.com.au - blog
Investing Yourself in Your Business
Not Just Business
I’ve talked before about when people use the phrase ‘Its not personal, its just business’. It’s usually when they've not paid their bill or treated you badly. I’ve also talked about why I think its a load of bull. People shape businesses. They make the decisions, they decide the policies and the corporate culture. If their culture is one that always pays people late then a person or people made that decision. It wasn't made by some invisible entity.
Likewise with your business. You are responsible for the culture and polices within your company, even if you're a sole trader. If you continually pay your suppliers late or are slow in responding to customer enquiries that is a decision you make and every decision you make forms part of the whole. If you treat your company as purely a money making device with little personal investment (either time-wise or emotionally) then your business will have no soul. With so much of business these days done online its clear to see the ones that are succeeding are the ones that are invested with personality. Even if you never see the people behind the business its clear from their online presence what type of business they are.
The upside (and downside) or all of this social media is also that feedback can be almost instantaneous. So you need to be on the ball and ensure that you are delivering for your customers. If you don’t, they can let you, and the rest of the world, know pretty quickly.
People talk a lot today about your Brand and your Image but making good decisions is critical towards formulating a good brand and image. Investing yourself in your business isn't just about self promotion, these days its vital for success.
Till next time,
Sarah-Jane X