Unique Beautiful Fun
20 January 2017 by Sarah-Jane Smith
sjsmith.com.au - blog
Nearly Getting There May Be Close Enough
Theres a real danger, especially with creative businesses, to prolong releasing anything until its perfect. I’ve come to realise its completely the wrong attitude. Most artists I know are never completely satisfied with a piece of work and if you wait till you're happy you may never get anything out. While making things and being creative is lovely, if you're not getting a product in the market, its just a hobby.
The same thing can be said of many other businesses. People wait until they have all their ducks in a row before making any changes or implementing anything new. If you wait until the stars align you’re probably robbing yourself of some great opportunities.
There’s something to be said for releasing products before you're quite ready and improving your prototypes on the fly. As with all things in business, you get better as time goes by. When I first started making watercolour prints, I had the prints ready to go but had given no thought to how to package them for mailing (I’m still learning on this front and experimenting as I go!). Don't feel like you have to have all the answers. Sometimes jumping in before you're quite ready gives you the opportunity to refine what you're doing by tailoring it more to customers needs. Try and get as much feedback in those early stages as you can and adjust your strategy or product as you go. You may also find that some of your early releases may not be up to your exacting standards but are perfectly fine the way they are. If your product is loved by your customers you've had a win, if your program is already delivering outcomes, then you've had a win!
Getting things mostly right is often just the right amount. We all strive for perfection but if you hold off doing anything till you achieve it you'll not last very long.
Till next time,
Sarah-Jane X