Unique Beautiful Fun
25 November 2016 by Sarah-Jane Smith
sjsmith.com.au - blog
Building Your Happy Muscles
How to Flourish
Last week I talked about how to weather a storm and, let's face it, we all have stormy times. But life is never just one thing because as surely as we all have tough times we all, also, have good times. How do we recognise and even capitalise when things are going well?
For me, one of the big gifts I've gotten this year is to be more present. I've tried to take at least part of every day and really look around me and appreciate all that there is. I was driving back from the shops at lunch time and the sky was soo blue I wished I could bottle it. It was just so beautiful. I'm sitting here and it's a hot day but there's a cool breeze just starting up and I can feel it brush across my skin. The deep satisfaction you get when cold water hits the back of your throat on a warm day. There is so much wonder in the sensations of the ordinary if we just take a little notice.
And I suppose that's another lesson I've learned. Pay attention. If someone says something nice about you or your work, take a moment to appreciate it. And don't forget to acknowledge yourself for a job well done! Celebrate your successes.
The other side of that coin is to show your appreciation to others. Look the cashier in the face and smile when you thank them. Wish them a nice day. If someone has given you great service let them know. Let your friends and family know how much they mean to you.
Try and plan times of enjoyment. If you love to bike ride put it in your diary. If going to the library or browsing old book stores is your thing, pencil it in. It's so easy to caught up in the stuff we need to do we can sometimes forget about the things we like to do.
While it makes a difference to acknowledge the here and now, it's also important to have things to look forward to. Start dreaming of your next holiday or make a plan to connect with someone who makes you happy.
Finding the happy in everyday life is easy. It just takes a little practice for it to become automatic. Once you start to see how wonderful life already is you'll be surprised how much more you will enjoy it!
Till next time,
Till next time,
Sarah-Jane X