Unique Beautiful Fun
10 February 2017 by Sarah-Jane Smith
sjsmith.com.au - blog
The Value You Bring
Your Real Worth
I talked last week about putting yourself into your business and why its important, and this post emphasises why you are, (or should be), your company biggest asset. Any self-employed person knows how easy it is to become caught up in the day-to-day running of your business. Particularly solo-preneurs, find it hard to find the time to take any stock of the big picture for the company or even, to assess how they are doing beyond just sales. If your sales are going well, you may think that you have no need for further analysis and, if they aren't doing so well you may feel that you should be putting your efforts into boosting them. That short term thinking may not be your best approach.
Ask yourself why sales are currently so good (or not). Is it that you have a new product or service available, have you launched in another venue or with another distributor or, maybe, its your interaction with your customers that is firing (or mis-firing) sales? Its this last item that I'm currently interested in. I spend a reasonable amount of time on social media and many of the businesses that I like and follow are those where the business owner has a real presence int their company. When you can see the type of person they are (or maybe just the public one that they present) it is far easier to connect with their message and what they are selling. I think this is one area where small business people (and especially women) often tend to underestimate their own worth. What you bring to your business can have a tangible effect on the success of your business. While its important to be authentic and genuine, its also important that you bear in mind that you are representing your business with every post, every blog. You don't hear people complaining about dodgy suppliers or everything that goes wrong. Most of us are selling aspirations, be they products or services. Something that can improve peoples lives, be it a beautiful piece of art or a new way of thinking!
Theres a lot of talk about finding your USP (unique selling point) and using that as a tool for promotion and I agree that that’s important. But don't forget that every one of us has another unique selling point and that’s you. You are a big part of whats unique about your business. Find a way to use that as promotion and you're onto a winner!
Till next time,
Sarah-Jane X