Unique Beautiful Fun
03 March 2017 by Sarah-Jane Smith
sjsmith.com.au - blog
Your People
Your Most Important Asset
There's long been a saying that the customer always comes first! Personally, I don't agree. Treating customers well, listening to their concerns (and addressing them), and communicating effectively are all vital aspects of any business but I subscribe to Richard Brandon's view that your staff always need to come first. If your staff are well treated, if you listen to their concerns (and address them) and communicate effectively with them, then your staff will always treat your customers right. One follows the other.
Some of you may not yet have staff but the same is true if you are the only member of staff. If you are continually paying yourself last (or not at all), neglecting your welfare and not providing a nurturing work environment you won't be able to perform at your best. If you can't perform at your best how can you possibly give your customers your best.
When you nurture your staff (or yourself) you provide a framework for a healthy work environment that translates to all aspects of your business. People are more energised in a supportive environment and are much more likely to go over and above when they feel like they are a valued member of a company or business.
Investing in your staff welfare and training not only enhances their capabilities but is fundamental to growing a a healthy and sustainable business. It's more important than machinery maintenance or insurance. A good work environment also helps in staff retention which can be a huge money saver. Offering channels for growth and promotion means that people will stay with you longer and can offer huge savings in training and recruitment. Maybe you don't have a budget for wage rises or bonuses but there are many things you can offer staff as incentives. Flexible working arrangements, job sharing or working from home may be options that your staff would value.
On a simpler level don't forget to tell staff when they are doing a good job. Appreciation of staff can make a big impact on how someone feels about where they work. Remember staff birthdays and work anniversaries.
When you find good people make sure you do what you can to keep them. It's a wise business investment.
Till next time,
Sarah-Jane X