Unique Beautiful Fun
16 May 2015 by Sarah-Jane Smith
sjsmith.com.au - blog
Using Your Ruby Slippers
You Have the Power
I love old movies. One of my favourites is The Wizard of Oz. Not only is it a cracking story, full of symbolism with good triumphing over evil but there are so many little moral tales within it. There's no place like home, be brave, have a heart but by far the best one for me is that you have the power within you. You always did. As entrepreneurs it's easy to get a bit bogged down with all the stuff you don't know. When I first started working for myself I had a little portable typewriter with a one page memory and a landline. That was it! Business has changed just a bit and there are times when the amount I don't know is sometimes frightening but do you know what? It's all do-able. When I first started my Facebook page for my business I had no idea what to do ( in many ways I still don't) but I'm in there giving it a go. I couldn't use a computer so when we got our first one I went to the local library and got a book.
I may not be a marketing expert or a social media guru but I am getting better all the time (I hope!). Having the power over your business and making decisions is more than just learning new stuff it's also about the personal power and determination to build something. To know that you may not have all the answers but you will work your ass off to find them. It's about showing up even on the bad days because you're driving the bus. One of the great things about having your own business is how much it teaches you about yourself. How stubborn and determined you can be, how productive you are, what you can create from nothing. We may not know it all but we all have our own super-powers. Now click those ruby slippers together, there's more to be done!
Till next time,
Sarah-Jane X