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     22 July 2016 by Sarah-Jane Smith - blog

Finding What Works for You

Where I Blog

One of the best tools I ever bought for my business was an iPad. I was reluctant to get one at first, believing that it was just a larger version of my iPhone.  I couldn't have been more wrong.  

There are many times when I will use the iPad more than I use my desktop iMac.  The main reason for this is portability. If I'm having a hard time with Rheumatoid Arthritis I can stay in bed and use it to check mail, edit photos and prints and, even write blogs.  If I'm stiffening up at the end of the day I can prop myself on the couch and work from there.  I can make and schedule Facebook posts or organise images for Instagram. Spending long hours in an office chair can be problematic so the lightness of the iPad means that I can move to a comfortable spot and work there.

If it's a nice day or I need to get outside, I can take my work outside.  

Of course I also rely heavily on my iPhone, particularly for taking photos but, having the iPad has meant that even if I'm not feeling great I can still get stuff done.  I can still  feel like I'm achieving something.  Finding what works best  for you is a deeply personal thing.  Maybe it has as much to do with the time of day when you're most productive than with the equipment or location you use.  I hope that you've set yourself up to work to your strengths and weaknesses.

Till next time

Sarah-Jane X


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