Unique Beautiful Fun
5 February 2016 by Sarah-Jane Smith
sjsmith.com.au - blog
Your Cheer Squad
Using your Tribe
One of the hard things about being in business for yourself is how isolating it can be. Unless you push yourself to get out there and meet people it can be a lonely road. It's vital that you find yourself a support group that can help. You need different people for different things (though the good ones will often serve more than one purpose). My mum is a wonderful support but like most mums she thinks everything I make is wonderful. (Thanks mum). While having that admiration is lovely it does mean that maybe she's not the best person to ask if I want a critique of something I'm working on. For that I need a close friend who will give me an honest opinion. Not taking negative criticism personally is something I still need to work on but, I am getting better. My husband is also a good sounding board because he has a male perspective which I sometimes need. You might also need to have some business buddies who are also self employed that you can bounce business stuff off. If you don't know any try joining your local chamber of commerce or a womens business group.
You might also want some professional coaching or mentoring. Ask around if any of your contemporaries have used a business or life coach. These people are great at targeting your focus as well as holding you to account but, they can also be a great source of encouragement if you feel that you are out on a limb. Finally, you may want to consider finding a mentor who can give you impartial advice. Think about someone you admire in your own field. Follow them on Facebook, or other social media, join their mailing list if they have one or be brave and ask if they would consider mentoring you. You need to be clear about how much of their time you think you might take and what you're hoping to get out of it. Building your cheer squad is one of the best ways you can maintain momentum and enthusiasm.
Till next time,
Sarah-Jane X