Unique Beautiful Fun
11 March 2016 by Sarah-Jane Smith
sjsmith.com.au - blog
An Organised Mess
The Professional List Maker
It's getting to the point where I might need a list of all my lists! I have always liked keeping a list but the act of writing the list is what's really important. Writing things down really helps me to remember them but, more than that, it also lets me clarify what's important. At the beginning of every week I write a long to-do-list with three columns. One for my cleaning company, one for my creative company and one for me and the family. In each column I have what bills I need to pay, appointments I need to keep or make, what essential tasks I need to do as well as a few things I'd love to get done (but the world won't end if I don't!)
This simple format works really well for me. Monday is for doing things that are important and have to be done - bills that are due, wages to be done, chasing payments and scheduling the week. At the end of Monday I can usually cross quite a bit off my list and then I pencil in what needs to be done on the next two days. Thursday is catch-up day because there's always been something unexpected that's thrown the schedule out and Friday is finish off whatever-can’t-wait-till-next-week day.
I find having a to-do-list really helps me organise my thoughts and maximise my time. If you find all this list keeping a bit boring you can keep lists that are much more fun. How about a list of all of the holidays you want to take, books to buy, restaurants to try and of course there's always the big bucket list of all the things you want to do before falling off your perch.
Till next time,
Sarah-Jane X