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Unique Beautiful Fun

23 January 2016 by Sarah-Jane Smith - blog

Planning the Good Life

The Fun Factor

At the beginning of each year I like to do a little planning and think about what I want from the year ahead.  The things I think about are wide and varied - from holidays I'd like to take, to how much money I'd like to make (excluding that elusive lotto win!) to things I'd like to let go of.  For example one of the things I wanted to let go of last year was being so judgemental of others ( it's still a work in progress but I'm getting there). One of the things I really want more of this year is fun! Last year I had a few bouts of bad health and a lot of my plans went out the window (like this blog for example!).  

So this fun thing got me thinking, 'what do I think is fun?' I think we all have our own ideas of what fun is. For one of my good friends it's running a marathon or 90 minutes of bikram yoga in a hot room.  For another it's partying with friends and lots of cocktails and an inevitable sore head the next day.  (That used to be me too). Since I can now only drink alcohol in small quantities and strenuous exercise has never been my thing,

I've had to really rethink what fun is for me.  For me it's many things. Watching a comedy that makes me laugh out loud, walking on the beach with my husband and the dog, mastering a new craft or getting lost while making a painting.  Although I consider myself quite introverted I actually enjoy meeting new people. The list of things I enjoy and consider fun is long and varied and the more thought I give it, the more opportunities for fun I see.  So this is the year I'm going to make a deliberate effort to start doing more fun stuff - well fun for me! Now if you'll excuse me I'm off to watch the Muppet Show. I hope you're doing something fun today.

Till next time,

Sarah-Jane X

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