Unique Beautiful Fun
20 May 2016 by Sarah-Jane Smith
sjsmith.com.au - blog
Using your magical powers
Swimming with Mermaids
Running a business can be serious business. You can't turn up to a deliver a sales pitch or meet a new client and behave like a joker. That's not to say that it can't be fun. There's nothing wrong with letting your joy and enthusiasm shine. In fact you definitely want people to feel your passion for your business - it's one of the great things about working with small businesses and their owners.
A while ago I read an article where the journalist was swimming in a pool and came across two little girls. One of them said "You can't swim here, it's only for mermaids". This grown woman turned tail (pun) and swam away. I got a bit mad when I read this! Why didn't the women stand up for herself, why didn't she tell this little pipsqueak "I'm the queen of the mermaids and I'll tell you where I can swim!" I think as business owners or maybe as women business owners it's easy to be intimidated by people. Even people who may have no authority or expertise. To be told you're not magical, you're not special are sadly, messages lots of us may have had all our lives. Couple that with the need to fit in or the need to please and it's a wonder sometimes that we get out of bed.
The thing is though, that all you need to counteract these magic killers is a little magical belief of your own. Belief that you can be successful, that you are entitled to a seat at the table, even at the head of the table! Don't let someone else tell you where or who you should be. And if they do, I want you to say to yourself, I'm queen of the mermaids and I'll decide if you may swim in my pool!
Till next time,
Sarah-Jane X