Unique Beautiful Fun
01 July 2016 by Sarah-Jane Smith
sjsmith.com.au - blog
One Step In Front Of The Other
Bold and Strong
There's an old saying 'A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.' It's easy to dismiss old sayings as trite and hackneyed but they're old because their meaning remains relevant over time. And that's the case with this one. Even if you've been in business for a while sometimes the amount of things to do can seem overwhelming but, there's a simple way to overcome this - just do the next thing! Take the next step, cross one more thing off the to do list, call one more lead!
It's the perseverance to keep going that will get you where you want to go - eventually. In fact, that perseverance will get you anywhere you want to go!
There are a number of reports that state that the one trait that's common to successful people is not a high I.Q., a great team of experts, or even a university education. The common denominator for success is to keep going. If there is a set back, dust yourself off, stand up and take the next step. It's never going to be a success only journey.
It's now the start of July - the start of the new financial year here in Australia. It's a great time to set your goals and to take a look at how far you've come in the last financial year. Map out some new plans for your dreams and goals. Going after your dreams is often scary and it's especially fraught when you have to chart your own path. When there's no road map you do need to step cautiously but that's no reason to stop. And when you finally reach your goals, the view from the top can be wonderful. I hope you're moving towards yours!
Till next time
Sarah-Jane X