Unique Beautiful Fun
1 May 2015 by Sarah-Jane Smith
sjsmith.com.au - blog
Writing Your Way Out
When you work for yourself you can find yourself struggling with the never-ending decision making that's required. When you're not just the creator but the manager, office staff, and maybe also chief cook and bottle washer there's not always someone handy to bounce ideas off. A supportive family and friends are wonderful but they often don't understand the personal and often soulful investment we have when its our own business.
When I'm struggling with a problem or a decision, one of the really helpful things I can do is to write it out. Write down what it is I'm struggling with and then talk it out on paper. I first write out what's bothering me, then I try to write out what I want for a result. Maybe I'm looking at whether a product is financially viable or whether its worth looking at a new market. I can then give a pros and cons talk to myself. For me the writing down part (or typing) helps to cement what it is I'm wrestling with and clarify what I should do next.
If you're struggling with things in your business, or in your life, try writing it out. Don't try and censure what you write it's really about letting your fears and hopes out. If nothing else, you'll hopefully have a list of possibles of what you could do next!
Till next time,
Sarah-Jane X