Unique Beautiful Fun
2 July 2015 by Sarah-Jane Smith
sjsmith.com.au - blog
Marching to your own drum
Independence Day
Tomorrow is The Fourth of July, Independence Day to North Americans, and it's got me thinking about the origin of this event. The beginning of Independence from the old shackles of England (after a hard fought battle). A shiny, bright beginning with a clean slate and the opportunity to set things up as you want them. That sounds like a great start, not just for a country, but also, for any business. Endings and beginnings have been on my mind a lot and I've talked about this in recent blogs but I think Independence Day is great opportunity to think about the way in which your business is going. Are you still clinging to the old way of doing things because that's all you know? Have you resisted changing or upgrading your equipment, systems or even your thinking because it all feels too hard? After being in business for myself for nearly 18 years the one thing I know is that it never stays the same. You must adapt or perish. This is not a bad thing. It's an opportunity to do a spring clean (albeit in mid-winter) on your business.
One of the brilliant things about being your own boss is that you don't have to follow the crowd. If you think you could do something better with less fuss, less expense or more enjoyment then give it a go. Try working off your mobile devices for a week and go on the road. If you work from home try having a pajama day (not recommended if you have clients visiting!). The point in owning your own business is so that you have more independence. On this Fourth of July make sure you're asserting yours!
Till next time,
Sarah-Jane X