Unique Beautiful Fun
20 March 2015 by Sarah-Jane Smith
sjsmith.com.au - blog
What I'm Wishing For
Happy Birthday To Me
I love birthday's, especially mine. Yes I love the presents but more than that I love that all the people you love come around, or call, or get in touch. This year is a big one for me - Fifty. Wow. The time when fifty seemed liked nearly ready to retire are still pretty fresh in my mind. The reality is that now that I am almost there I feel more energised and enthusiastic than I can ever remember. Life seems to be filled with so many possibilities, and if I have a bad day well I can take a do-over tomorrow. Other people's opinions matter less. Being self- employed you learn that you need to march to your own beat and as I get older I hear my own rhythms much more clearly. The only thing that really bothers me with getting older is the rapid increase in the passing of time. You do become more mindful that days go quickly so you better get busy with what you want!
And speaking of what you want - as its a milestone birthday, I've had a lot of people ask me what I want. And the wonderful thing is - I want nothing. I have absolutely everything I could want materially. I have a nice home, nice clothes, plenty of books and paints.
So it comes almost back to childhood when I ask myself what do I wish for? And what I wish for is more time. More free time to spend with my family, more time to spend with friends, more time to paint, more time to lay in the back garden and smell the maraya as it comes into bloom, more time to play with the dog, more time to read for pleasure and not for work. So that's what I wish for. Now light the candles on that cake, I'm ready to make my wish.
Till next time,