Unique Beautiful Fun
14 April 2017 by Sarah-Jane Smith
sjsmith.com.au - blog
Learning from the experts
Favourite Money Books
About a month ago I talked about building wealth and that I read a lot of books about money. I thought I might share what some of my favourites are.
What Rich People Know & desperately want to keep secret by by Brian Sher. This is not quite as cheesy as it sounds and has lots of great advice about money mindset and habits for success.
The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas J Stanley and William D Danko. Talks candidly about the mindset of successful people living in Suburbia. The majority of wealthy people are not living the lives of the rich and famous and why flying under the radar is not to be sneezed at.
Get Rich Lucky Bitch by Denise Duffield Thomas. Denise is a finance and mindset coach who's not averse to using new age techniques to get you to improve your attitude to money. She is a down-t0-earth, plain talking person with a friendly manner and is unafraid to use herself as a what not to do example. I love her bright approach and her willingness to offer lots of free advice alongside her coaching programs and books.
The 4 Hour Workweek by Tim Ferris. Tim talks about he has set up his life to be a mobile business manager and what techniques you could use to free yourself up from the daily grind. Theres lots of useful information about outsourcing and using virtual assistants to get you to think about delegation in a whole new way.
9 Steps to Financial Freedom by Suze Orman. Suze is an American based financial coach who has educated herself and shares her lessons about how you can dig yourself out of debt and establish a healthy financial future for yourself and your family. While some of the information is geared towards American readers theres tonnes of great advice for anyone trying to turn their financial situation around.
You can find lots of information about how to improve your money situation and theres lots of online resources too. Visit your local library as a starting point or subscribe to a money magazine. Personally, I think financial freedom is one of the keys to personal freedom and theres nothing stopping any of us learning how to be better at it.
Till next time,
Sarah-Jane X