Unique Beautiful Fun
19 February 2016 by Sarah-Jane Smith
sjsmith.com.au - blog
Jumping off the cliff
Creative Confidence
There's always a certain amount of fear when you release a new product or service. Is it the right time, the right product, the right price? Will your customers respond or will it fall flat? Even the most experienced business owner does not hit the right mark every time.
A big part of any launch is having the confidence in your product or service. A few weeks ago I talked about knowing yourself and being able to give yourself an evaluation (blog no. 30) but it's also really important to know your creative self and to have confidence in your creative voice. Beyond confidence in what you're offering I think having creative confidence is even more important. Does your latest release fit with your brand? It's okay to try new things and move in new directions if you have a cohesiveness. If you're completely switching your products or services are you able to bring your existing customers along?
While there are some that think you release a product before you're ready and iron out the kinks on the fly, I'm a lot more old school in that I think you should have the product at the best you can before letting it out in the world. That doesn't mean you won't hit any snags but I think it minimises having to trouble shoot.
For myself, I'm about to have a change in direction. I can no longer crochet so making bags is not possible. Painting is becoming more difficult so I have been searching for a way to still have a creative business. I think one way I can achieve is this is by making downloadable and paper products. Prints, cards, inspirational quotes. And do you know what, I'm freaking out. This is not a world I am familiar with and I'm not sure if my customers will want these new offerings. I hope some will. But do you know what? I think they are good products and I like their relationship to me. So I'm going to forge ahead and get on with it. If you've got something you want to share with the world I'm not sure there's ever the perfect time. Maybe we all just have to jump! Even if your failures far outnumber your successes just make sure your successes are better publicised.
Till next time,
Sarah-Jane X