Unique Beautiful Fun
19 May 2017 by Sarah-Jane Smith
sjsmith.com.au - blog
Being part of the big picture
Branding Yourself
Way back in Blog 58 (A Reflection of You), I talked about how you present yourself to the world and why it matters. Over and above putting your best foot forward, how you present yourself also matters in the context of your business as a whole. If you're a corporate recruiter and you present yourself in your hippie boho people may find the discord between you and your business confusing. I'm not trying to say that you shouldn't be yourself but is your image consistent with all the other branding of your company.
In my own branding, I have a black and white logo. My packaging is white paper bags with my logo on the bag but, I the images I sell are often very colourful so if I'm mailing items out, I may wrap them in colourful paper and include a small handwritten card. I dress quite simply but I do wear quite a lot of colour. When I talk, I usually talk in short sentences and this is also how I write. (I hope). I try to keep things uncomplicated.
Whether your style and brand is flowery and colourful or clean and crisp it's worth thinking about whether your image is in tune with that. If you're not currently in tune with your brand is there a way to bring the two things closer together.
Can you tone up or down your working wardrobe to be more in line with your business? Does your written communication tie closely with how you naturally speak? Maybe you need some part time help to bring your written communications closer to your image rather than the other way around. People like consistency. Like it or not you are a big part of your brand and being in tune with all the other aspects of your business is reassuring to people. Reassurance builds trust and trust builds businesses!
Till next time,
Sarah-Jane X