Unique Beautiful Fun
21 July 2017 by Sarah-Jane Smith
sjsmith.com.au - blog
Keeping your word
Big Fat Lies
There's a number of old sayings that people use for business that have become almost mythic they have been spoken so many times. I want to take a closer look at some of these old chestnuts.
‘The customer is always right.’ Wrong, wrong, wrong. The customer is not always right. People who are rude, obnoxious or disrespectful can never be right. Customers who expect something for nothing are not right and people making unrealistic demands of your products or services are not right. That being said that, it doesn't mean that you shouldn't always be respectful when dealing with customers (even when they're not!).
‘If it ain't broke, don't fix it.’ When things are ticking along it can be easy to sit back and put things into cruise control but this is really the best time to take stock and look at what you can improve on. Just because it's not broken doesn't mean there's not a better way to do it.
‘Better late than never.’ One of my personal gripes is customers who pay late every single time. We had a former customer that we would have to chase up every single month. When I asked if there was a problem, the accounts laughed and said, “you know we’re always late”, as if that was okay. I try very hard to make sure I settle my accounts by their due date. If, for any reason ,I’m going to be late, even if it's just a day or two, I always phone and tell them. Being known as a reliable and timely payer, I get great service from my suppliers and stay with them for a long time. Being on time with your deliveries for products or services is equally important.
The other big, fat lie you want to be careful of is “The cheque’s in the mail.” I had a former customer tell me this on the phone whilst they were emptying the office of everything not nailed down. When we went by later that day to try and collect a cheque the place was empty. Make sure you judge people by what they do and not what they say.
Most people you deal with will be lovely but there are a few who will not. Don't let the few bad apples sour you to all of the great people you do deal with. And finally, make sure you're one of the good guys. Honesty is always the best policy, be punctual and polite and follow through on what you say you'll do. These may seem like obvious statements but if you and your business become known for being ethical it's not just good karma, it's good business.
Till next time,
Sarah-Jane X