Unique Beautiful Fun
26 August 2016 by Sarah-Jane Smith
sjsmith.com.au - blog
Stepping Up
A Reflection of You
Cruising Pinterest recently (as you do) I came across a meme stating "Dress for the job you want, not for the job you have". As a business owner you are a vital part of your business and its image. Like it or not you will be judged on how you present yourself (and I'm not just talking about the women here!). Some research suggests that when people meet you for the first time they make judgement about you in the first few seconds, often before you've even spoken to each other, so it matters how you are seen in the world. I'm not suggesting that you put on your pearls when picking up supplies from your local hardware or that you try to be something you're not but appearing as your best self when you're out is just good sense. When I'm at home in the office or studio I'm usually in jeans but, if I'm going to a network event I dress as if I'm attending a function or gallery opening. That's not to say that I don't dress like myself, of course I do but I try to present my most professional self.
Finding that you wish to present to the world can take a bit of trial and error. I used to feel like I always needed to wear heels (not anymore) and that I should maybe wear more suits (don't own any these days). I love a nice colourful outfit, statement necklaces and a great handbag. I make sure that I'm comfortable and able to stand for a while to talk to people. Whatever you decide on for your personal style take a while to think about how that relates to the image you want for your business. Just as your business is a reflection of you so are you a reflection of your business.
Till next time
Sarah-Jane X