Unique Beautiful Fun
18 November 2016 by Sarah-Jane Smith
sjsmith.com.au - blog
Keep Calm
When things Fall Apart
Its been a really tough week! My little dog has been poorly and stopped responding to chemo. Between vet visits, oncology visits and trying to get him to eat it's been a roller coaster. Then Donald Trump was elected President of the United States. The outpouring I had from friends about how hard this was going to be for so many Americans was so sad. For Muslims, for Mexicans, for Hispanics, for women, for lgbtqi Americans, for anyone with an existing medical condition who had no private health care coverage. Soo many people have been fearful about what this result will mean for them and their future. What it will mean for their families and their children.
One week on and things already look quite different. We stopped chemo and luckily our little dog has started eating again. And Donald Trump has proved himself to just be another politician. Tell them anything to get elected and then cave on the majority of what you've promised. The wall along the southern border is now looking like more of a fence, throwing out Obamacare and starting again has been shelved in favour of keeping some of it, having Hilary Clinton thrown in jail is no longer on the table, in fact, she's a nice person.
What are the lessons from this tumultuous week. Firstly, talk is cheap. When people make you promises wait and see wether they actually honour them. Making promises is easy, delivering on them is real integrity. Second, when the world is falling, stop and take a breath. It's not always as catastrophic as it might first appear. Sometimes things will work out if you give it a little time. We can all have a tendency to see catastrophe but in the big scheme it rarely pans out that way (but occasionally it does)! Thirdly, if you whether the storm you are usually stronger and more resilient for having been through it. Flexing our survivor muscles makes it easier to go through tough times in the future. And there will be tough times. Hopefully, they won't be as tough as you think!
Till next time,
Sarah-Jane X