Unique Beautiful Fun
02 December 2016 by Sarah-Jane Smith
sjsmith.com.au - blog
Getting the jump
Gearing Up
It's December! Wow that came fast didn't it? Only another four weeks or so and we'll be starting a new year. You better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout, I'm telling you why! Cause now is one of the most exciting times of the year. Not just do we have Christmas and New year to look forward to but, we can start planning next year.
I can already hear you all groaning and you shouldn't be. This year I waited till well into January to get my plans for the year crystallised and it was half way through February before I started implementing them! That's six weeks I wasted and I'm determined not to make the same mistake. I want to at least have the first few months mapped out so that I can get a jump on it come 2017. So while my initial thoughts are of what I would like to get done business wise it's also not too soon to start planning your life for next year. Why start early I hear you ask? Because if you're anything like me, I get through the excitement of Christmas and hit a wall. I tend to collapse into a bit of heap and even feel a little depressed. Post-Christmas often feels slightly melancholy after all the excitement. So I'm going to plant the seed for another holiday, think about the people I want to make a plan to see, or reconnect with. I'm going to start planning to have hit a whole lot of new goals, done fun stuff and seen some of my tribe when December next year rolls around. By getting to grips with at least some of it now I can start ticking stuff off my list come end of January.
If you think you don't have time for any more planning at the moment, start thinking about it when you're in the shower or, in the first five, or last five minutes each day. To at least have some idea of what you're doing at the start of the new year has gotta take some of the pressure off when that rolls around! Gearing up now means that you're already one step ahead in 2017!
Till next time,
Sarah-Jane X