Unique Beautiful Fun
24 March 2017 by Sarah-Jane Smith
sjsmith.com.au - blog
Keeping your batteries topped up
Anyone in business these days relies heavily on a mobile phone. Whether it's to keep in touch with clients, to access the internet while away from the office or even, to assist with your accounting while on the road! Our reliance on our phones means that we need to be vigilant about making sure we keep them charged. Imagine being away from your workplace and a client needs to contact you urgently and you've got a flat battery.
Now imagine that your own battery is flat when a client gets in contact with an emergency. The result can be equally alarming. If you don't look after recharging your own batteries you could be seriously damaging the stability of your business. Keeping yourself healthy, energised and rested is as important as making sure all of your other equipment is maintained and functioning properly.
So what do you need to do to recharge? To some degree that's as individual as you are but there a few commonalities we can all follow. Make sure you take regular breaks from your business so that you can focus on other things and clear your mind. Having business tunnel vision is not always productive in the long term. Spend some time doing something you love (other than work of course). Connect with people other than work related. Disconnect from social media. Have regular holidays and don't use them to work. Eat plenty of fresh food and get enough sleep. Try to do some regular exercise, even if it's just playing catch in the park with the kids.
Recharging, resting and re-energising yourself is a vital part of taking care of your business. Now schedule that maintenance into your calendar!
Till next time,
Sarah-Jane X