Unique Beautiful Fun
28 July 2017 by Sarah-Jane Smith
sjsmith.com.au - blog
Finding connections
Lonely at the Top
When you work for yourself, and particularly when you work by yourself it can sometimes get a little lonely. When you've only got the cat (or dog) to bounce ideas off it can sometimes give rise to a nagging little voice of criticism. Don't listen!
The great thing about being in business for yourself is you get to make all the decisions. The bad thing about being in business for yourself is you have to make all the decisions!
So how do you overcome your inner critic and the isolation of being top dog? Easy. Go find others in the same position. Join your local chamber of commerce or business group. Find a small business bureau or association or join a women's network. If there's not one near to you, find one online, or start your own. Invite other small business owners to connect with you. You can start a Facebook group or organise a monthly coffee meet up.
If, like me, you're a bit uncomfortable turning up and meeting people you don't know, try to remember that you're not alone. A big chunk of people find these situations uncomfortable. I also find that, while I like meeting new people and being around people, it can be exhausting. Try to take that into account when you're planning or attending functions and meet ups.
If your having trouble finding local business contacts try reaching out further afield. Find National or international groups to join and follow online. Try looking for appropriate groups via social media or LinkedIn.
Lastly, even speaking to friends and family can be helpful, if only to get another perspective. Making and maintaining personal relationships is not only good for business, it's good for you.
Till next time,
Sarah-Jane X