Unique Beautiful Fun
19 August 2016 by Sarah-Jane Smith
sjsmith.com.au - blog
Chin Up
Do Unto Others
I read this week that how you treat others is how you feel inside and I got to thinking about how that relates to business. I firmly believe in karma. You get what you give, treat others how you want to be treated, give right to get right. But there are times that we don't feel right. Maybe you're not well, or dealing with a new family or a young baby, maybe you've suffered a bereavement or the sickness of someone you love. There are times when, through no fault of your own, that life is tough. We all have those times. But when you're in business for yourself the wheels need to keep turning. Maybe, like me, you don't always have support staff who can step in when you need some help. If it's your only income source you can't always afford to fall in a heap. So what can you do?
First things first. Your customers don't always need to know what you're struggling with. While a lot of business these days is about personal relationships sometimes you want to keep things private. Always try to maintain a positive attitude with people. If you continue to offer your products or services you must still be prepared to deliver on them. If you need to, pull back on networking or face to face work if you can. Change your hours if you need to. If your new baby is keeping you up at night, try getting in some work time then rather than pushing to get all of it done in a nine to five schedule. If you're not very well, schedule extra time for rest or naps until you're back to full strength. You may not have any business help, but can you call on family or friends to help with other stuff, like school drop offs? Can you do your grocery shopping online and get it delivered?
Maintaining a positive attitude in your business is vital even when times are tough and sometimes, work can provide a much needed respite from whatever is troubling you!
Till next time,
Sarah-Jane X