It's Not About the Money
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Finding the reasons why
When you start up a business it can be a struggle financially to get things going. When an established business tells you it’s not about the money it can be easy to snigger with “Well that’s fine for you, now that you make a living”. The point that experienced business are trying to make is that, yes, earning a living from your own business is satisfying but, it’s not really that which will keep you in business for the long haul.
Money alone is not enough of a motivator. Making money when you are dissatisfied with your work or, you have little or no passion for what you do, is not the way to build a sustainable and satisfying business.
The saying that ‘do what you love for a living and you’ll never work a day in your life’ has a big ring of truth about it. But I’m here to tell you that even if you’re not living your dream with your business you can find other motivators. Having the flexibility to work around your family, your other interest or your health are all great things about being your own boss. Not being told what to do can be very attractive to control freaks like myself. Providing gainful employment for a great group of staff is also hugely satisfying to me.
The whole point about finding motivators other than money is also so that when times get tough (and they will at some point) you still have a reason to show up and do your best. It’s this persistence through both the good times and the bad that will ensure your business isn’t just satisfying but also enduring! And building an enduring business is a pretty good motivator in itself!
Till next time,
Sarah-Jane X
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