Bending not Breaking
sjsmith.com.au - blog
Managing the Unforeseen
One of the things I continue to struggle with, both in business and in life, is uncertainty. I like to have a plan, a timetable and, to work from a list. Being organised and having a schedule matter to me because I need some order to feel like I have things under control and that what I want is achievable. Life doesn’t always work that way. On Sunday evening I wrote all the things I felt needed to be done this week - for both of my businesses and for myself and my family. Monday morning I roughed in what I would do on each day to get through it all.
Well it’s now Tuesday and things have fallen in a heap! I had a walk yesterday morning and wasn’t feeling that bright when I got back so I decided I’d take is slow but steady. I didn’t complete all of Monday’s tasks but I got about 3/4 of them done. I had a bad night and then got up this morning feeling hungover (not because I’d had a big night!). So Monday’s remaining tasks and now, Tuesdays tasks, are piling up. I’ve managed to do the essentials. A client asked to be invoiced early before she goes on vacation, I needed to pay some casual staff and, check the inbox. And then I went back to bed.
I am having small pangs that I have not powered through the first part of the week but it’s only a very faint, little, nagging voice. I think we are conditioned that when things get tough we should power through, suck it up and get on with it but it’s not always possible. Sometimes you need to ease up. It is a marathon and not a sprint and if your body or your mind are starting to quit it’s a sure sign you need to take a break. I’m not talking about throwing in the towel but are there things on your to-do list that can wait till tomorrow or even next week? Is is possible to have a day or two off? Can you just do a couple of half days till you’re back to full strength? Learning to go with the flow and managing the unforeseen are great traits for any business owner. I just wish I was better at it myself!
Till next time,
Sarah-Jane X
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